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H. Lilypad
Legacy ~ 5" bloom on a 22" scape. This tet flower has an average of 20 buds with 3-way branching. MRe and Evr. Medium
rose pink with watermark and gold piecrust edge over gold throat. ((Peaches and Gold × John Peat) × (Spacecoast
Fancy Dancer × Edith Sliger)). $25/df

H. Lilypad Lipstick Lines ~ With really good substance, this tetraploid blooms at
5.75" on 24" scapes. Bud count is 24 with 3-way branching. EMRe and Evr. Ruffled pink with red eye, double edge
and white midribs over green throat. (Sabine Baur × Amish Linen). $30/df Limited.

H. Monticello
Majesty ~ This tet is a rosy pink ruffled bitone, with white midribs and yellow to green
throat. My first extra large intro, blooms are 7" on 26" scapes. Branching is 3-way with an average of 14 buds.
Fragrant, EMRe and Sev. (Rib Tickling x Glory in Red) $35/df Limited

H. Monticello
Mood ~ 6.5" bloom on a 31" scape. This dormant dip double has an average of 18 buds with 3-way branching and doubles
90% of the time. MRe and fragrant. Peach with pale midribs and gold throat. (Forty Second Street x Sentinel Solar
Burst) $20/df

H. Monticello Movement ~ This unusual form cascading diploid blooms at 8" on
36" scapes. Bud count is 20 with 3-way branchching. EMRe and Evr. Yellow peach with
green throat. (Wiregrass Greenstar x Frilly Bliss) $15/df

H. Monticello
Music ~ Deep rose, with a large wine eye and white midribs and a yellow green throat. Bloom starts early midseason, with rebloom
continuing through the summer. Foliage is evergreen, blooms are 5.5" on 26" scapes. (Screen Pattern x Spacecoast
Behavior Pattern) $20/df
Kreations Daylily Gardens, Albany, GA and Monticello, FL