H. Missy's Smile |
This site is ALWAYS under
construction. Last updated 4/20/17.
If you encounter any problems or broken links, please contact me at the email address listed on the
Shipping & Contact page. Please check back soon to see what has changed and be sure and sign my guestbook
or leave feedback. It's located at the bottom of this page. Thanks for stopping by!
About Me
A few years ago when I had a stained glass business, it was called Kaye's
Kreations. Since I've started hybridizing daylilies, I thought the name was still appropriate. In
2012, I registered my first four daylilies. This year there are 10 in the collection.
If you will let
me know that you would like to use one or more of my photos, I am always happy to share.
I hope that you enjoy
browsing through my seedling photo gallery.
Thanks for checking out my site. It is always under construction, so
please check back frequently.
My gardens are located in Albany, GA and near Monticello, FL. I am not a public garden, but will be happy to show
you around by appointment should you be in the area. I ship almost year round, but prefer not to ship during July, August
and early September due to the heat and increased possibility of crown rot.
I guarantee my plants to be true to name (registered cultivars) and healthy
when shipped. Any customer who receives a shipment that does not appear healthy should immediately contact me and return
the plants for full credit.
Living in
the south, I maintain a spray program to prevent rust. In the past, I occasionally have had minor outbreaks of the fungus.
The plants that I have selected to sell are from the least affected areas of my garden.
I dig and inspect all plants
and have made it my policy never to ship a plant that appears to be unhealthy. I am interested in building long term
relationships with my customers, so I have no desire to complete a quick sale with unhealthy plants. All plants will be dipped
in a fungicide or bleach solution before shipping - your choice. While I cannot guarantee that your plants will be rust free,
I will not ship plants which are showing any symptom of disease. If you are concerned about rust, please do no order from me. If you are not pleased with your plants
for any reason, contact me and return the plants for full credit.
Bonus Plants
Bonus plants will be included
on all orders over $25, at a value of approximately 25% of the purchased plant value. I reserve the right to choose the bonus
plant, but do request that you provide a list of bonus suggestions. When possible, I'll use your list in selecting
your bonus plant(s).
Kreations Daylily Gardens, Albany, GA and Monticello, FL kaye@kkdaylilies.com